Wind mill |
The electricity produce by a wind mill is very small so it cannot be used in the large scale.To used in the large scale a farm of the wind mill be established. When large wind mill farm is established and the small small current is connected and large scale of the electricity is produceThe wind farms are established where the continious wind is blow.In the developed countries where the wind is blow continiously a large farm of the wind mill are established to produce the electricity in the large scale.This farm is also helps the country to go ahead faster economically.
This cost no more money so the developed country are now attracted to it. This wind mill is smokeless and other pollution less so it is very benificial for the environment .The under developed countries can developed their economic value from this project.The countries who have not more water sources in their country it is the optional way to developed their country and economical situation .
In the context of the Nepal,
Nepal is rich in water sources but Nepal also can established this farm to produce the electricity.The wind mill does not cost more so Nepal is also poor country so that wind mill in the context of the Nepal is most essential way to produce the electricity.If Nepal produce the electricity from the water sources and the wind mill it can light the whole Asia.
Advantages of the wind mill.
- It is smoke less .
- It is not so expensive so the countries which are poor they can use this.
- It can be established in the every country where the wind is blow continiously.
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