Thursday, January 15, 2015

New research about the common cold
Normally we know that what is common cold ?common cold is a simple health problem which is caused by the Rhino virus .IT is mainly caused in the cold days but why ? we only know that each things but it is why and how? If you don’t know  I can explain why and how with the help of the Yala University of America’s team who done this experiment.lets read below
In cold weather most of the people are suffer from the common cold.The Yala University o fAmerica put forward a new mystery about the common cold. It says that when our NOSE becomes cold I.e.when the temperature of the Nose becomes low there is the more probability to suffer from the common cold. It is occurs when the temperature of the nose becomes low as compare  to the internal body’s temperature. It is because when the temperature of the nose becomes low the Rhino virus which is the main cause of common cold gets the time to increase their rate of growth rapidly.The rhino virus increase it growth of rate fast in nose than in warm lungs.
Chief of that experiment Akiko Ewasaki said that ,in past’s research shows that the Rhino virus increase its growth depending upon the temperature of the body lying with the immune system of the body.
To know about the relation between the temperature and the immune system of the body Ewasaki and his team took the sample of cells from the mouse’s nose and   at 370c&380c the immune system of the Rhino virus’s which is present in that cells are checked .Then it is found that when the temperature of the body decreases ,the immune system of body becomes weak to the Rhino virus. Ewasaki said that our body’s temperature is normally about 370c .The different temperature in our body affects the Rhino virus to increase or decrease their rate.
Normally Rhino virus stay in our nose’s whole and when the temperature of the nose decreases Rhino virus becomes active to growth.But in case some time our body’s temperature becomes low and the immune system of the body becomes weak the Rhino virus also active to growth their ratre.IF the body’s temperature is normal but immune system is weak then in this case also Rhino virus can attack.
So beware about your body’s temperature and immune system of the keep your body safe from the common cold by using the good ways.You should check up your health monthly to keep away the diseases from kepp your body healthy and warm.


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